List of National Monuments in County Offaly

The Irish state has officially approved the following List of National Monuments in County Offaly. In the Republic of Ireland, a structure or site may be deemed to be a "National Monument", and therefore worthy of state protection, if it is of national importance. If the land adjoining the monument is essential to protect it, this land may also be protected.

National Monuments

NM#↓ Monument name↓ Description↓ Image Townland↓ Location↓
672 Cadamstown Bridge Bridge Cadamstown
617 Cannakill Deserted Medieval Village Cannakill
510 Kinnitty Cross High cross & medieval wall Kinnitty
497 Seirkieran Early Medieval Ecclesiastical Site Churchland and Clonmore
336 Clonfinlough Rock Art Rock Art Clonfinlough
532 Clonin Earthworks Clonin
250,601 Clonmacnoise Early Medieval Ecclesiastical Site Clonmacnoise
678,313 Durrow Abbey Cross, Church, graveslabs & motte Durrow
504 Gallen Abbey Church & Slabs Gallen
82 Rahan Churches Churches Rahan
